The Poll - Which is better?

According to some websites, Moving is the sister show to Echo, but with Moving Wallpaper being on first it kind of could be the other way around. Echo to me is the stand out show, but Moving does have some great actors and the story lines are hilarious, Ben Miller being the stand out, a little bit mental Jonathan Pope.

Echo Beach on the other hand is the show that really everyone wants to watch, being the new soap on TV, Moving just seems to be a filler for the first half hour slot. My wife dosent watch Moving, she thinks it has no reason to be on, but loves Echo Beach. Maybe ITV will change the format somehow for the next series, or as the old saying goes, if it aint broke, dont fix it.

Please make your vote count, the Poll is to the right>>

Both shows are on Fridays from 9pm.

Moving and Echo on twice this week

We have been given a double dose of moving wallpaper and echo beach this week, the first shows being on late, but never mind. Also, lots of buzz on the internet about the mole and the whole Martine lesbian story, i think maybe some people think this is real.
The show is moving on quite quick now, we are now half way through the 12 episodes, and i sure it wont be off our screens very long.

You can watch some exclusive clips at of the mole and preview of upcoming shows.

Moving Wallpaper Episode 6 ITV Official Preview

Temperatures are rising, sex is in the air, and it seems Sams got soap fever when Jonathan catches her canoodling on set. Can the team stop some of her surreal story lines from being aired.

Echo Beach Episode 6 ITV Official Preview

Jimmy and Abi spend more time together. Dan becomes suspicious when Fin and Ivy reminisce about the past. Why wont the dates add up? Has Ian got the wrong end of the stick when Brae tries to cheer Jackie up?